Philosophy: Waste Not, Want Not
Tumbling with tremors, he lay in his terrors, ever so fearful of his own endeavors. He wished for solace, yet he was always so laze about his own craze.
Blessed with wisdom, he disregarded his flaws for a drive full of resolve. But his respite lay in knowing he chased chances full of dark charms for his truths tallied with turmoil and his freedom fueled with other’s oil.
Under the impression he lived in succession, he gave way for depression to be his way of expression.
We’ll Always Have Everything, Yet Nothing Will Please
There is peace in the pieces in us, yet we gladly throw away ourselves with an illusory want, when we already have everything we’ll ever need.
It feels hard to hone what we have. It feels irrelevant because it’s already there, but that’s the uniqueness we should wish to share, not repair. The hardships make us appreciate the artists. But in prevailing to see, we are failing to free ourselves from our own enemy.
It is never the material that replenishes the serial of symphonies that make us whole. We can have everything and yet be plagued by a hole.
The second prince is the freest in the world when he makes use of his own tower and not the power in his hour. He is free from mistakes and responsibility, yet only ever wants to be what he will never be. The sooner we realize that we always have what we want, the sooner we’ll be able to move on to who we want, whether internally or externally.
There are All Kinds of Difficulties
There is always something that irks us. No matter the power or riches, there is always something that itches. It’s life calling us out, not to ridicule, but to show us our own rule.
Our flaws are only a part of us. They are evidence that we can still improve. Yet some may see that as a weakness, giving into life’s reprove. But you can still prove yourself, not for the rest, but for yourself to approve.
How we act and direct ourselves is up to us. A reflection is only as bright as the clarity of our eyes. If we wish to take in feedback with gloom then we are digging for doom. It is a law to be flawed, but it is a choice to be offended. We may overreact, using our own point to disappoint another’s viewpoint, leading them to despair despite their intent to repair.
So, even if you disagree or know of others' mistakes, instead of a rejection, direct a question. Allow others to understand their own misgivings, and this will make you a better offering. Understanding how to untangle a situation is another perk of evolving into a better person. Worst case, learn to dissect and redirect an argument back, instead of letting it dig within you.
Emotions we learn to suppress express themselves in other forms. In ways, we lose control. So always be on patrol of how you project your petrol.
Beyond Simple Thoughts Lies The Gold Pot
We hate hearing what we don’t want to hear. No matter how true or beneficial. But once you put aside your miseries and open yourself to the Valkyries, you will reach your destinies.
This is because the hard part of being ourselves is understanding that most of the troubles we faced were because we were liable. Not because we are a liability but because we choose pity over reliability.
If we just trusted what we had and didn’t look for more, we’d be happier ever more. It’s never worth it to allow someone else's words to affect your own worth. It’s better to move on than to be chain to them. That is where the freedom lies, forgive them so that you can forgive yourself, and vice versa.
Understanding is an Art, Not a Science
Look for signs, not science. For we can be too self-absorbed. We can’t always be right, no matter our might, and so we try to enforce it all, missing what went wrong.
It’s okay to make a mistake. And we may never understand just which aspect was correct or what should have been a reject. But being right can be the very nature of our flaw, flying over our heads, in the form it is most raw.