Your Vision is Guided By Your Hobbies

Habits and Hobbies: Your Lifestyle Fuels Your Blood, The Currency to Your Economy

Sarim Khan - A Blog About You
5 min readFeb 8, 2022

Remember a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind.Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

The next phase on life’s chess board is about how we manage our economy. There are ways to accept the past, embrace the future, and respect the future, and they comes in how we regulate our lifestyles. The most important governing body is always our time, but it’s vital that we spend it right. That’s how we build our own economy, as it’s structured with a currency full of dear distractions and dire destinations.

You never know what’s next, so the first path to establishing any idea of order or peace is working around your interests. You want to follow what’s fun, but you want to get work done. For me, I like indulging in my interests first and then I can work with greater focus. I enjoy the discipline, more than I enjoy linking my work with some reward. So I can energize myself by following my desire which only builds on my likelihood of dealing with my disciplines.

Though, my day, essentially, works backwards as I work the night shift, but I think it’s a great way for me to get a lot of stuff done in the morn, and then allow myself to be reborn for the next phase. And so, you can…



Sarim Khan - A Blog About You

A Blog About You: I write about tips and trick on mental health, philosophy, and psychology, sprinkled with news and analysis on gaming, movies, and TV shows.