How You Can Get Along With Anybody

Philosophy: Courtesy is the Cover to Secrecy

Sarim Khan - A Blog About You
3 min readJan 20, 2022

A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know. — Diane Arbus

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Be Kind for You are One of a Kind

Courtesy is all about pretense, while kindness is about patience. So don’t mix up deception for their discretion, for it’s only meant for an impression.

We’re experienced enough to know what we want from someone. We’re hardly ever looking for someone who’s courteous as there be may be a charm to nice, but it’s charisma where there’s spice.

We want confidence, and those kind enough can afford such an etiquette. So speak less and listen more, for every word will have a different meaning when you give them their attention as they’ll demand your retention.

There is power in silence, one which holds many secrets and just as many who seek it. It is as easily attained as easily lost, but those who earn it get to burn it.

A secret is only delightful as a riddle or envelope. Either it gives us enough hints, confident that it’s meant for us to understand, provided we’re ready for it. Or one delivered to us for our sunk time or activities, such a gift that is based on our own guesstimate.



Sarim Khan - A Blog About You

A Blog About You: I write about tips and trick on mental health, philosophy, and psychology, sprinkled with news and analysis on gaming, movies, and TV shows.