5 Ways I Keep Myself Productive Daily

Sarim Khan - A Blog About You
5 min readJan 8, 2022

Five ways to make your tired self feel fresh during the day. I’m going to teach you some tips and tricks which chain together into making your day more productive.

Photo by Angelina on Unsplash

1. Making the Most of Your Mornings

You want to make the most of the time you have in the morning. You won’t imagine how much time you can take away from social media or laying in bed.

It can feel difficult, yet if you just give yourself that kickstart towards something you enjoy, you can set your mind to focus on making the most out of your time before you get ready for the rest of your day. This is a time you’re fresh, when you have no tasks due, when the world is quiet.

But if mornings don’t work for you, find a time during the day when you can spend some time alone, when people are at work or sleeping.

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

2. Understand what Food does to Your Body

What goes in, must come out. Mentally and physically.

You may not want to hear it, but most food you probably eat may be the reason why you’re tired all day or can’t get anything done. We don’t just get…



Sarim Khan - A Blog About You

A Blog About You: I write about tips and trick on mental health, philosophy, and psychology, sprinkled with news and analysis on gaming, movies, and TV shows.